L-HA 30mg/ml & H-HA 30mg/ml
RAVELLO PLLA 200mg is a medical device for treating severe facial wrinkles and folds, replacing volume defects and improving facial contour deformities.
As a safe and effective collagen stimulator & regenerator, RAVELLO PLLA helps to restore natural volume for ageing skin-loss collagen. It increases the skin's elasticity and volume naturally and makes looking young. Depending on the condition of the patients, 2 or 3 times of treatment are recommended for the longevity of volume staying)
Indication: For treatment of severe facial wrinkles, folds, and replacement of facial contour deformities
The result of the procedure lasts up to 24 months.
! Please note that our products are meant to be administered by medical professionals. We are not responsible for any negative infliction that may arise after administering products by yourself. We will not compensate for products that have been wasted or misused.