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Micro Collost Collagen Booster

Micro Collost Collagen Booster

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Collost Micro is an innovative collagen-based product, designed to correct age-related skin changes and aesthetic defects of the face and body. The product contains a protein identical to humans; procedures using it perform the functions of collagen, meso, botulinum and plasma therapy, as well as contour plastics

Area of ​​application face (suitable for the sensitive area around the eyes) and body
Target audience patients with signs of skin ageing and aesthetic changes in facial tissues

Indications for use:
Therapy with the Micro Collost is advised if there are pronounced signs of age-related skin changes, aesthetic imperfections (scars and striae, post-acne, hypotension (age-related, occurring during pregnancy and lactation or due to a sharp increase in weight), as well as in case of the need for skin rehabilitation after aggressive cosmetic procedures (grinding, peeling, plastic surgery) and as preparation for them.


minor age of the patient;
pregnancy and breastfeeding;
malignant neoplasms and autoimmune pathologies;
intolerance to the components of the drug;
blood clotting disorders;
wounds and inflammation in the injection area.

The components of the product stimulate bioreparation and remodeling processes in the body and moisturize the tissues of the dermis. The implant is split, and replaced by autotissue. The production of fibroblasts, collagen and other elements that replace the bioimplant is stimulated. The skin is compacted, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

Instructions for use for cosmetologists:

Collost Micro is injected under the skin using linear, short-linear, point or papular techniques. Before the procedure, a solution is prepared: the drug is mixed with saline, plasma or a special mesotherapy agent. To reduce pain, lidocaine can be added to it. The concentration of the solution depends on the area being treated. After the injections, the skin is treated with Collost spray (by spraying or applying a fabric mask soaked in the drug). The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the cosmetologist individually, on average it consists of 3 procedures with an interval of 2-3 weeks, maintenance procedures are prescribed once every 3-4 months.

How long does the result last?
The effect of the injection lasts 5-12 months, provided that the recommendations of the recovery period are followed: do not touch your face with your hands, lead a healthy lifestyle, refrain from physical activity and sports for 2 weeks, and avoid overheating and hypothermia.

What side effects can occur?
Reactions to injections are standard: pain, bruising, hyperemia, itching, and swelling. They do not require treatment, they go away on their own within a week.

Collost Micro is an effective and safe solution for non-surgical skin rejuvenation.

Characteristics:  Russia
Dosage form bottle, volume 5 ml