J-Cain is a highly effective anesthetic skin cream with Lidocaine, which can help soothe the discomfort and pain after such procedures like getting a tattoo, skin peeling, laser hair removal, body piercing, cosmetic surgery and many others. The pain soothing cream works by reducing the sensitivity of the patient’s pain receptors.
CAN BE USED FOR: ☑General laser ☑RF laser ☑Fractional laser ☑Hair removal ☑MTS ☑Fractional MTS ☑Skin needling ☑General surgical treatment ☑Cosmetics surgery ☑Tattoo
Apply on the affected area and then wrap in a bandage, to maximize the effect. Wait for 30 minutes for the J-cain to take effect and then remove the wraps and wash out with water. The anethetic effect lasts for 60 to 90 minutes.
Note that after you’ve applied the Lidocaine cream, you might feel a cool and numb sensation on the areas you’ve spread it over. J-Cain is guaranteed to be safe, but be sure to not use more than 2g of the anesthetic cream within 24 hours.